Secrets to Self-Esteem And How to Cultivate It

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Do you feel bad about yourself and find it hard to complete anything?

Today’s message is so you can learn where this problem comes from and a few simple ways to start liking yourself more today.

Have you ever noticed that feeling down or low is often preceded by a negative thought.

Does this sound familiar:

  • Thought: I don’t ever finish anything

  • Feeling: Sad, angry, irritable

  • Thought: I can’t do anything, what’s wrong with me?

  • Feeling: Down, hopeless

And so it goes on…

Repeating this loop over time sets up a self-belief that limits you.

Are you likely to do anything if you feel bad about yourself?

Chances are you won’t.

Self-esteem can be cultivated by practicing self-love even in the midst of our so-called ‘faults’. Here’s how to get the ball rolling

When you have a negative thought about yourself and your abilities try these three things:

  • Write a list of the things you have done/ accomplished recently.
    Make it fun and light e.g. I made a tasty cup of tea, I take care of my pets by …

  • Accomplish a simple task by:
    Writing the first step of a the task, e.g. if you want to clear out your cupboards. First task – Get box to put old clothes in.Then complete the first task and so on. 

  • Be kind to your self by doing something nice for yourself.
    Ask yourself what you would do for a friend to cheer her up and try that. For example buy your self flowers, read your favorite magazine, take a bubble bath, go for a drive, have a soothing cup of tea, etc.

Motivate yourself by asking who will benefit from your completing a task or being happier and relaxed?

Now celebrate your accomplishments by a doing a happy dance.

Now I’d like to hear from you:

What do you do when you feel down about yourself?

Try one of the above and reply to let me know how it went.

If you want a cool, fun way to help you try out the suggestions click here for a checklist of steps to cultivate self-esteem.

And if you’re looking for more support with self-esteem look out for my women’s self care/ self esteem group coming up in July.

If you know anyone who might be struggling with self esteem share this with them.

I look forward to hearing form you.

Take care and keep living a life of joy NOW,

Soul, MindLauren PetersComment