What Clients Are Saying,
“Prior to working with Dr. Gaveeta, I couldn’t see my way past my anxiety and depression, I was despondent and thought there was nothing that could get me past those episodes. My mind now feels calmer and I can focus more clearly, I feel happier with life and myself.”

More Client Stories
“I feel I have just had food for the soul. This was a very nurturing time. I feel my heart open up with love. I appreciated the meditations, especially the loving kindness and self compassion meditation where I could go to meet myself.”
“I realised that my depression does not own me. The mindful group has been so helpful in helping me deal with my emotions, it really has made me feel empowered.”
“I feel that I have learned more about myself in 8 weeks than I have in 8 years!” I found the mindfulness group very informative. I liked focusing on being kind and learning the art of awareness, acceptance and constructive tools to manage depression and anxiety.”
“It’s almost like I have a more positive view on everything. Even though it (the mindfulness group) was only 8 weeks I have felt a difference in the way I perceive life.”
“Mindfulness helped me to practice being in difficult situations without being triggered. It has anchored and grounded my being over the last few months. I liked learning about how our thoughts patterns and brain work with and against us.”
“A life-altering course, very thought provoking and intelligent. Really learned “tools” that I could use every day in my life, and help me feel comfortable in my own skin.”
“I know that I have the necessary tools to face my fears. At the start I was already on a journey of becoming more holistic and self-discovery. As It helped me greatly in my awareness and ‘self-talk” in feeling less guilty. In realizing that every moment is not always going to be happy and it’s okay to feel whatever I feel without guilt. The course has also helped me to realize the significance of taking time out for myself to meditate and reflect on a daily basis.”
“My relationship with family & friends has improved. I struggled immensely with anxiety & stress, it affected my overall well being and family and friends around me. By doing this programme (& being open minded through it),
I have managed to achieve balance in my life style and understand myself and my emotions, feelings and thoughts a lot better.”

“I now have tools (meditation) to calm me, refocus my thinking and see things from a different perspective. ”
“This course has opened up my eyes as to how to deal with emotions and situations…and has given me a roadmap plan of action to stay focused, stay present.”
“I have gained a mindset that will guide me toward living & experiencing my life fully…and to ultimately find meaning.”