If you are on a fertility journey, then this group is for you.
No other health struggle is quite like this one. Kept a secret, not even seen as an illness, yet treated by a team of high-level specialists, scientist’s and a spectrum of alternate healers.
Diagnosed as something in the body though it affects mind and soul.
Looked upon with a mix of pity and superiority by other women
Can create havoc in a marriage.
Possibly financially crippling
If you’re?
feeling alone
blaming yourself
wondering what you did wrong
obsessing about what to do next
angry you can’t afford another cycle
can’t move on till you resolve this one thing in your life that comes so easily to others it seems unfair
I totally understand. I’ve been there.
Hello And Welcome,
I'm Dr. Gaveeta Chiba, a holistic psychiatrist and certified mindfulness instructor with a passion for using the overwhelm of everyday life as a messenger to better health and healing… I have used these very strategies to navigate my own fertility journey.
Come and connect with women who are or have been on a similar fertility journey and find a new way of being with difficulty so that you not only survive but thrive.